Saturday, July 25, 2009

E.Lynn Harris 20 June 1955 - 23 July 2009 R.I.P

A Day in Bahrain.

Hello Jazzlovers

My Favorite Writer Died Yesterday, Mr E. Lynn Harris, I really admired his writing and his life.

I met him years ago in a Houston After Hours Dance Club, and he was an energetic young man at the time, and judging from the comments on other blogs he never lost that. May he rest in Peace, He will be missed.

One of his best works was his auto biography " What Becomes of The Broken Hearted"it was truly inspired, it erased all excuses the masses use today to convince themselves they can not make it in life because of their past. He did not let life get him down..

He wrote of real life and self deception, of how society will attempt to make you live a lie, in order to maintain their own comfort zone in their own lies...E. Lynn Expossed the inside of why people need self decption.. Everyone in his books were human, with human frailties that made them act the way they did, non were evil, just misguided by our society...

No other author except for Brother James Baldwin has been able to expose so much raw emotion and realisim in each of his charaters in every one of his offerings...In E.Lynn"s Offering, just as in Brother Baldwin you had no choice but to see yourself.. And for that I am grateful...Now a way to say goodbye..

Todays Blog is my tribute to a wonderful Humanist, Mr. E. Lynn Harris R.I.P

Well JazzLovers if you have not read any of his books please start with " Invisible Life" and work your way through all eleven books to the last one "Basket Ball Jones"

Until next time Jazzlovers,

Keep the beat .

DW Jazzlover

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