Sunday, May 31, 2009

Love and a Crashed Hard Drive I need Amsterdam Rooftops

Hello JazzLovers,
Another Beautiful Day In Bahrain.
I thought this was finished, but alas I was wrong once more. (Remember this blog is still finding its voice, beat , tempo and it's song. ) A couple of weeks ago my Ex crashed my hard drive(computer)I let it go and did not make an issue or get angry, until the phone call and 3&3 added up to 4! That started me to thinking after 1 year and 6 months someone can not let go! and for once that someone is not me!Like the Pointer Sisters I had realized I was living a Fairytale and I have moved on.
I realized I was supposed to be singing Esther Phillips song Misery instead, but I realize I am not the one not moving on and that is sad for my ex, So maybe I should send my ex Esther's song instead of posting it here, but what the hey! Here it is....
But what the ex does not understand is that I do understand and only wish them happiness, life is beautiful, Ms. Randy Crawford says it best for me.....
The wonderful thing about writing this blog is all the great music i love is already researched, and I can just trip down memory lane as i want to. I spend hours just going through different Artist on You Tube, sometime forgetting I am writing(oh have a laugh it feels good) and have to remember what in the hell I was talking about!! Tonight is no different and I have ended up I Louisiana when I stumbled up on My Main Lady, Miss Katie Webster!!!!
This is to you all my Louisiana fans, this is Katie's first recording, it was first released by another Louisiana singer Mr. Phil Phillips in the 1950s and was an instant hit. Trivia for you, Katie Webster (was a child ) she is playing piano on the original Phil Phillips Recording.. you can hear her distinctive sound on the original cut...Another piece of trivia: Phil Phillips name was Phillip Baptiste and he was born 14 March 1931 in Lake Charles.
As a child I would sneak off to the outside of the Bamboo Club to listen to Katie Webster play( I thought she was fantastic) and I still love her music, she can be found on Alligator Records today.
When I was home in the early 80s I was lucky enough to see her at the Doll House a jazz club we had in my home town, she was a real two fisted piano pounding Mama. I have never in my life heard anyone play like her.Katie Webster is one of the Blues Greats in my book....This is the Blues....
Another little Katie trivia, Did you know she was pregnant and missed the flight with Otis Redding the night he died?
Another Favorite Louisiana Musician is the one and only Sidney Simien aka Rockin' Sidney and Count Rockin' Sidney, with studios in Lake Charles, so now lets have some fun::I know you remember this one..
Zydeco is a true Louisiana Music and much loved, here are a few of our favorite Artist: Queen Ida..
Clifton Chenier The greatest:::And this man could really cook,He had a Cafe on Boulevard
I know you are wondering what this has to do with the roof tops of Amsterdam, well that is where I feel free and positive and Loved so I keep those rooftops close in my heart. I had not planned on going to Louisiana tonight but I guess growing up that is where I felt safe and loved and was given values that has taken me around the world and given me a heart that would never crash someones hard drive!!!
And My Favorite song of all time!!!!!! This is the love I am waiting for and I will not settle for less!
Until Next time Jazzlovers,
Keep the beat.
DW Jazz Lover
To My Cuz, Alvin Broussard I await your CD, keep the beat and you are loved.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Paris and It is Josephine Baker Day Today 20 May Thank you for the Photo.

Hello Jazzlovers,

It is a very beautiful day here in Bahrain.

I have just returned from a working Vacation in Amsterdam and Paris, I will write about Amsterdam later. Paris I had not seen for a few years and was amazed at the changes, which I will also write about later.

What I do want to write about is Josephine Baker and the fact that even almost 30 years after her death she is still revered in Paris. Her image is everywhere and very often in places of HONER ! She is still a symbol of beauty and grace even school children know who she is, I seriously doubt it is the same at home.

Today 20 May is Josephine Baker Day, so instead of me giving a history lesson I have decided to let her speak for herself. Thanks to all the wonderful people on You Tube who loved her too and they have made my research very easy.All the links today are about her wonderful courage and great heart, her Beauty and her bravery during the war. If you are like me it took me all this week to listen and view all the wonderful videos of her life, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. I will continue to remember her and her beauty, she had a fascinating journey.

My and Contributors to You Tube's Tribute:Enjoy

Ms. Josephine Baker

I think Ms. Josephine Baker has spoken very well for herself, and I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have. I am so grateful to my mother for making sure as a child I knew who Josephine Baker was. But as a child I had no idea of just how wonderful she was.
I am grateful for my days in Paris to have reminded me of this Gracious Legend, and for their continuous love for her.

One last reminder Jazzlovers we must keep these memories alive for our children to know they are from a beautiful people. The First Superstar!

Until Next time Jazzlovers

Keep the beat,


Friday, May 1, 2009

We are Off to see the Wizard

Hello Jazz Lovers,
A truly beautiful day in Bahrain,
It is break time, so I will be away for a couple of weeks, visiting friends and looking for beauty.
The thought of travel started me to thinking about music that included traveling, back in the day!
Here are some oldies to keep you company, and start you to exploring. I am sure most of you under 40 will not know these !Smile ! the rest of you enjoy the yellow brick road.
Another traveling song> 1973,
One of our Great Ladies left us this year, so while looking for traveling music , I have decided to wish her well in her new journey. Of course I am speaking of our Great Lady Miss Eartha Kitt.
So please take a while to appreciate her, while I pack.
Isn't this great Jazz lovers:
Eartha Kitt will live on in our hearts, What a great Lady.
Well Jazzlovers just one more time:
Sometimes the music, the beat and the tempo must speak for it's self.
Until Next time, I will be back soon.
Jazz Lovers keep the beat
Alan Miss you Buddy.